Friday, November 4, 2011

Can I Do Some Sit-Ups?

So I am a Scoutmaster for the 12-13 year old's in our Ward and Scout Troop.  I have nine scouts and they are great.  We have a lot of fun camping and learning skills, and the guys are great.  One of the things that I really work on is being on time, and wearing the right uniform for the day.  These guys know that if our event starts at 7:00 PM, they on time is no later than 6:59 PM.  It is funny to see them run up the stairs of the building as they arrive, when they know they are close to the time.  They are hurrying, and the other scouts are always cheering and saying, hurry, hurry!!!

Well, if they are on time, and they are wearing the right uniform that is required, I give each one of them a dollar candy.  It is a tradition now, probably not good for the bank account, but it works.  I do not give in much, I am very strict, so if they are not on time, they know there is no reward.

So, a few weeks ago, everyone was on time but two of them, a couple of guys forgot parts of their uniform, but most were very close.  I am not sure what got into me, but I decided to be charitable and so I said to them, to those that did not get the reward, that I would allow for them to earn it.  Push-ups!  25 each.  Too funny I thought, but they began to do them.  One young man was trying hard, but just is not strong enough to do the push-ups.  So I said, find, do 50 sit-ups.  Those are not as hard and he seemed very confident that he could do them.  As he began, I realized that he would not make it.  I began to think in my mind, how am I going to get this young man through this.  I am very strict, and one must comply, and so how can I help him without being soft and not keeping my word.  I began to worry and stress about this.

The other scouts were cheering for this scout, trying to motivate him along.  He was giving a very valiant effort, but could barley get to three sit-ups.  I said to him, you cannot get the reward with out the work being done.  So keep working hard, you can do it.  Suddenly one of the scouts looked at me and said, Brother Vick, can I do 10 sit-ups for him, will you count it as his if I do it for him?  Without any hesitation, I said yes!  Then I went on to say, I want the work done, and if you choose to do this for him I will accept it as his as long as you are aware he still get the reward.  The scout said, no problem and began to do the sit-ups.  Then from the other scouts another scout said, well  I will do 10, and then another and another, and another.  Finally, there were four other scouts doing the sit-ups, others cheering and one scout working hard to complete his own sit-ups that were required.  When it was all said and done, I received the 50 push-ups I requested, everyone received an award and my little troop, troop 1148 came together, served each other and became on, even if it was for that evening.

I am very proud of my Scouts!  I would not have expected that from them one year ago when I started, but they are growing up and becoming men.  What a great honor it is to serve with them and to see them grow and learn the aspects of the gospel, and implement it in their lives.