Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blessing Brynlie

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to bless our baby in church.  We call it a name and a blessing, but other religions will call a christening.  It is not exactly the same thing, but for an understanding, that would be close.  In this, we pray to our Heavenly Father and give the child a name and a blessing.  This is not a saving ordinance, but something that helps bring the baby into the fold for the ward.  I have always felt a little silly doing this as it is more of a tradition that anything, but it is something we do and it does not hurt at all.  For this one, with our newest child, I felt that same in morning as I have with the others, not thinking much of it, but feeling this is a nice occasion.  A funny thing happened when I entered the church building.  I felt the spirit very strong.  I sat down to reserve seats and began to ponder what I would do and say.  A bit later, my Wife Brooke, arrived with our baby.  Brynlie was so small and cute, she was all dressed in white.  A white dress that Ashlyn (our oldest daughter) wore for her blessing.  At that point, the spirit hit me very strong, and I felt so warm and happy.  Excited to participate in this blessing.  Again when the opening song began, I could not sing.  I was choked up.  I felt the spirit so strong.  As they called us up for our turn to do the blessing, I almost lost it.  I had to work very hard to compose myself.  I gave the prayer, very simple but focused.  It was a sweet blessing.  I then sat down and worked very hard to compose myself again.  It was a fast Sunday and there was time for me to bare my testimony.  It was very short, but the gratitude I felt towards my Heavenly Father and the peace I felt was amazing.  I was so grateful to be able to do that and happy that our little daughter is here with our family.  She is a great part of the family and that day, giving her a blessing only helped me feel how wonderful and important that she is and how a big part of the family she has already become.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why Mormon Today

A relative asked me today why I named my blog the title I did.  No real reason, I wanted something that showed my religion, and I also wanted something that showed I would talk about my life now and how the past has formed me into what I am now.  No real reason, maybe it sounded like a newspaper, not really sure, but I like it.  Bottom line is, I want to make this blag about my life and how my religion has affected my life.

Being a Husband

I took my brother to the Utah football home opener the other day.  It gave us some time to not think about work but to hang out and just chat.  It was a lot of fun.  We get along real well.  It was interesting as we chatted.  We began to talk about our wives and how grateful we are for the lives we have and for our wives that treat us so well and take care of us.  I do not mean to say that life is not perfect, but it was really nice to share things  with each other that made us both realize, I believe, that we were not appreciating what we have to its fullest.  There is so much to be grateful for, and as I read the August Ensign about marriage I realized what I was not doing and therefore as I was not feeling fulfilled, I was becoming more selfish.  That selfishness was getting me no where.  A change of tune, I mean immediate, and more service to my wife and kids really helped things turn for the better.  It is better to serve and be wrong that to not serve and think you are right.

The Begining

I thought that today would be the day that I really begin to blog about life.  Not just any life but Mormon life.  We see reality shows all the time.  I think sometimes they are crazy but on occasion they can be fun and even informative.  I like when I can relate to someone and see that I am not alone in the world.  So, I begin this blog spot and have called it Mormon Today.  Mormon Today will be my daily interactions as a father, parent, husband, employee, church member, neighbor and every day life.  I hope you enjoy it and chime in when you have a chance.