Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blessing Brynlie

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to bless our baby in church.  We call it a name and a blessing, but other religions will call a christening.  It is not exactly the same thing, but for an understanding, that would be close.  In this, we pray to our Heavenly Father and give the child a name and a blessing.  This is not a saving ordinance, but something that helps bring the baby into the fold for the ward.  I have always felt a little silly doing this as it is more of a tradition that anything, but it is something we do and it does not hurt at all.  For this one, with our newest child, I felt that same in morning as I have with the others, not thinking much of it, but feeling this is a nice occasion.  A funny thing happened when I entered the church building.  I felt the spirit very strong.  I sat down to reserve seats and began to ponder what I would do and say.  A bit later, my Wife Brooke, arrived with our baby.  Brynlie was so small and cute, she was all dressed in white.  A white dress that Ashlyn (our oldest daughter) wore for her blessing.  At that point, the spirit hit me very strong, and I felt so warm and happy.  Excited to participate in this blessing.  Again when the opening song began, I could not sing.  I was choked up.  I felt the spirit so strong.  As they called us up for our turn to do the blessing, I almost lost it.  I had to work very hard to compose myself.  I gave the prayer, very simple but focused.  It was a sweet blessing.  I then sat down and worked very hard to compose myself again.  It was a fast Sunday and there was time for me to bare my testimony.  It was very short, but the gratitude I felt towards my Heavenly Father and the peace I felt was amazing.  I was so grateful to be able to do that and happy that our little daughter is here with our family.  She is a great part of the family and that day, giving her a blessing only helped me feel how wonderful and important that she is and how a big part of the family she has already become.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet sweet Brynlie. Her and Emily will be such cute cousins, only weeks apart. good job dad!
